Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Daddy's Home

Ryan has been on the road for a long time and he's finally home! We really missed having him around and Grey was so excited to see him. She was eating dinner when he walked in and she wanted down, which is weird for her to want to get down from eating, and she hugged him tight and just layed on his shoulder. It was the sweetest thing. I just had to share this with all of you! 


Jade said...

That is ADORABLE. It's a bit bitter-sweet how much little girls love their daddies, huh? I'm so glad Nelly loves her daddy so much, but sometimes I say, "Hey, I'M the one home with you all the time. Why does HE get all the special attention?"

Brandon,J'lene, Kamiah,Braelyn, Chelsea, Aussie said...

She's a daddy's girl!! That probably made his night!! What a priceless picture. I just love watching the special bond between the daddy and his girls!!!